Good, Better, Best Approach

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When you export a document or design to a PDF you are given 3 options: good, better, best. The distinction in this scenario is the quality of resolution and size. If you’re sharing a draft with someone to get the general idea, exporting the document as good might be enough. If you need to print the document, best may be the preferred option.

What if we applied the concept of good, better, best to your work or life? 

When I’m working with a client sometimes the possibilities and ideas can seem endless. I often suggest a good, better, best approach for project management.

What would good look like? Better? What’s the best thing we can do? Time, cost, and effectiveness often come up. But breaking things down can make a project seem less daunting and way more manageable. It also allows us to shift gears to begin implementation right away compared to discussing ideas over and over again.

After we accomplish good, I’ll then ask: “This is what we’ll need to do this better, are we ready?”

I love this approach for 3 main reasons:

1. In the process of determining good, better, best we actually break down a project into small, easily digestible steps. In the process, we build an action plan to make things happen.

2. There’s a clarity in the doing and implementation. By jumping in, you may determine that good is satisfying your needs.

3. If you’re a perfectionist, this structure can give you permission to loosen your hold on one specific outcome. Is it better for something to be slightly imperfect? Or would you rather perfectly procrastinate?

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Are you wrestling with a project you can’t quite off the ground? Do you have a goal or plan in mind and need a trusted partner to keep you on track? Contact me today and we’ll use the good, better, best approach to accomplish your goals.


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